One of the Company’s community development aspects is social and community welfare, especially for communities who live side by side with the Company’s business locations. Some of the eforts carried out by the Company are by contributing in the area of Education, by providing job opportunities for local workers, providing trainings to empower community and distributing donations for underprivileged community.
Various educational activities carried out by the Company include feld work practices for local communities in Merapi-Lahat.
Throughout 2020, the Company continued its involvement in the community by recruiting local labor for repairment works.
The Company also actively participates in providing assistance for social facilities and infrastructure improvement and other forms of donations as follows:
• Donation for Indonesian independence day events and activities at Asam-Asam and Kintap.
• Donation together with the Port Association for the Transportation Anniversary event at Asam-Asam and Kintap.
• Environment Day 2020 Sponsorship at Asam-asam and Kintap.
• Qurban Donation of Cows in Bengalon, Tanah Laut Port Association and BPN Tanah Laut in Pelaihari.
• Sponsorship for Barito Putra Legend event with Tanah Laut District Head Ofce.
• Qurban Donation of Cows in Asam-asam and Kintap.
• Donation of masks and disinfectants around Lahat Regional Government.
• Donation of food for health workers in several hospitals in the Jakarta area.
As stated in the code of conduct, the Company always prioritizes the principles of professionalism and transparency in its business activities, and encourages all employees to behave properly and honestly.